A brand, spanking new year!! Don't you just love new beginnings?!
In the craft world there really is no better way to kick off a new year than with CHA Mega Show! That's right folks, it is that time again - can you feel your left brain tingling?! ALL those wonderful new products are being announced, demonstrated and made available for order and our lucky ladies, Cori-Lyn and Ivy will be right in the middle of it all!
Stay close to your computers from Jan.6 -12 as Cori-Lyn takes over the blog posts and brings us daily updates on all the hot, happening news from CHA 2016 in sunny Anaheim, California.
HERE to check out the CHA website - find out what it's all about!
And if that wasn't fantastically amazing enough - our travelling crafty gals will also be attending ART VENTURE hosted by Prima Marketing!!!
This event is their 6th and promises to be the most creative, inspired, technique filled event they have ever offered! Cori-Lyn will be sharing with us here all her and Ivy get to experience in those two jam packed days - it feels like Christmas all over again!
If you're a crafter than I'm sure you'll share with me in saying, this is the most wonderful time of the year! So stay tuned, all the fun begins Wednesday, Jan.6th!